sostenibilità e scelte green

Clevertech awarded the Eco Vadis bronze medal for sustainability

Clevertech has earned the Eco Vadis, bronze medal thanks to the actions it has taken in favour of sustainability, with a score of 48 out of 100.The assessment considers the company’s sustainability performance in four areas: environmental sustainability, ethics, human rights and work environment, sustainable procurement.

The analysis shows that Clevertech’s performance is better than the average of companies operating in the same sector. This therefore constitutes grounds for further confidence for customers, and for those who enter into contact with the company for the first time.

Green policies, actions and results

The assessments of Eco Vadis consider the sustainability of a company and its management system. The team uses seven management indicators divided into three areas, or Company Policies, Actions and Results. Each of these indicators is assigned a different weight in the sustainability assessment.

The score achieved by Clevertech indicates that the company has a structured and proactive approach to sustainability, committing to concrete policies and actions.

sostenibilità nel packaging

Specifically, the actions undertaken regard the implementation of specific actions on waste management, the ISO 14001 certification and the use of renewable energies, as well as purchasing green energy. Clevertech is self-sufficient in terms of its energy use, thanks to the installation of solar panels capable of providing more energy than is required by normal business operations. With its 432 solar panels, Clevertech reduces its CO2 emissions every year by a total of 58,000 kg.

Sustainable and transparent partner

The Eco Vadis assessment meets the requirements of customers who are increasingly attentive to the environmental and social performance of their partners. Monitoring sustainability risk in the supply chain has indeed become a necessary requirement for market leaders and others as well.

Through Eco Vadis, Clevertech has demonstrated its commitment in this sense, supporting customers who can thus avoid private audits. Indeed, the results of Eco Vadis are public and shared clearly and transparently for everyone’s benefit.